Independent Verizon Wireless
PRL Interpretations


The documents on this page are independent interpretations of PRLs that Verizon Wireless users may encounter. While we make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of these interpretations, we cannot guarantee that the information is correct. The interpretations are based on data from public sources (as opposed to the private databases used by wireless carriers), which at times we have found to be inaccurate and/or incomplete.


What follows are the available Verizon Wireless PRL interpretations:

Release date AC 1 (ERI) AC 2 (ERI) AC 1 (EV-DO) AC 2 (EV-DO)
11/15/04 50210




12/7/04 50233




1/31/05 50238




2/21/05 50261 50271



3/16/05 50284 50288



5/9/05 50293 50295 50314 50316
8/1/05 50329 50331 50350 50352
9/1/05 50369 50371 50384 50386
11/1/05 50406 50408 50428 50430
12/5/05 50447 50449 50461 50463
2/17/06 50470 50472 50492 50494




5/22/06 50514 50516 50537 50539
6/13/06 50556 50558 50565 50567
8/14/06 50577 50579 50601 50603



50617 50619
10/31/06 50642 50644 50666 50668



50686 50687
12/18/06 50696 50698 50720 50722
2/28/07 50742 50744 50766 50768




6/11/07 50804 50806 50828 50830



50854 50855
10/15/07 50861 50863 50885 50887
12/13/07 (none) (none) 50939 50941
12/17/07 (none) 50959 (none) 50960
2/15/08 50963 50965 50987 50989
3/20/08 51008 51010 51019 51020
6/5/08 51030 51032 51054 51056
9/23/08 51075 51077 51099 51101
10/28/08 (none) 51119 (none) 51143
1/12/09 (none) 51165 (none) 51210
1/21/09 (none) (none) (none) 51248

Q: What's the difference between AC1 and AC2?
A:  All current America's Choice rate plans (initiated on or after 2/21/05) utilize the AC2 PRL. Only legacy America's Choice rate plans (initiated before 2/21/05, and never upgraded since then) utilize the AC1 PRL.

Q: Which AC plan do I have?
A:  That depends on the version number of the PRL, which you can find in your handset (usually in an information or Phone Details menu). Most Verizon Wireless users have the AC2 PRLs interpreted above.

Q: My PRL is not listed! What gives?
A: Verizon Wireless creates specialized PRLs for employee, regional, and certain other plans. A reference guide listing known recent PRL numbers is here.

Terms Of Use

Independent Verizon Wireless PRL Interpretations are provided free of charge. By downloading and using these files, you understand and agree to the following terms: