Independent Cricket
PRL Interpretations


The documents on this page are independent interpretations of PRLs that Cricket users may encounter. While we make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of these interpretations, we cannot guarantee that the information is correct. The interpretations are based on data from public sources (as opposed to the private databases used by wireless carriers), which at times we have found to be inaccurate and/or incomplete.


Release date No Roam Roam
1/1/04 01024 (none)
1/1/05 01030 (none)
1/1/06 01036 (none)
5/1/06 01039 02931
4/1/07 01040 07743
(Unknown) 01041 (none)
(Unknown) 01042 (none)
2/1/08 01050 (none)

Carrier Notes

Cricket offers three types of PRLs: Roam, No Roam, and Local. No Roam PRLs only contain Cricket SIDs, while Roam PRLs contain Cricket and roaming SIDs. Local PRLs are published for each Cricket market. These contain the same entries as the Roam PRLs, except that all markets aside from the home Cricket market are designated RM.

Terms Of Use

Independent Cricket PRL Interpretations are provided free of charge. By downloading and using these files, you understand and agree to the following terms: